Monday, March 29, 2010

Passover Cheer for Kids

Things have come a long way since I was a kid and all we really had for fun on Pesach was finding the Afikomen at my Grandparent's house and fighting over the lousy $5 cash reward. It was always on top of the lamp, anyway...
Now, kids have all kinds of Passover fun. My daughter has finger puppets of the 10 Plagues of Egypt. Yeah, a "boils" finger puppet. Gross. Also, there's the video and song below about a rogue matzoh ball that Dart found for me. Wash it off and put it in your soup and eat it. Pause. Show it to the kidees while they play with their locust and lice puppets. Good Pesach everyone!

1 comment:

JF said...

Thank you Paul for being famous and not running away from the fact that you are Jewish. It is awesome. Here is a track me and my friend made for Chanukah/Kwanza. It kind of crosses racial and religious boundries. And by that I mean it doesn't at all but it is funny as hell... I hope all my Jews out there enjoy this.

Jewcci Mane