Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rosenblog Grounded

Yesterday evening, on my wife's birthday, I got out of my truck on a cobblestone street and stepped with one size 13 foot into a pothole of missing bricks. I turned my entire foot under my ankle and screamed bloody murder, then threw my cell phone on the sidewalk and hobbled home. After a trip to the ER last night and the ortho today, I have a severe sprain in 3 places and torn ligaments. The MRI is next week. So, what is a guy to do on Memorial Day weekend when he can't walk? BLOG! I've been slipping a bit lately anyway due to travel, so keep you eyes out for rants and randomness and Pistons encouraging. By the way, what a win tonight in the Gahden for the Bad Boys! Yes indeed.


Aaron said...

Ugh. I had to wear one of those things for 3 months last year. Here's to a quick rehab!

I'm toying with the idea of going to game 3. I can't decide if a 7 hour drive when gas is $4+ is really worth it. Plus, would I even be able to get tickets?

Travis said...

Ain't that about a bitch....get better man.

Jesus J. Ruiz said...

shit looks futuristic...